Lance Spitzner

Updated at: May 21, 2007, 2:03 a.m.

Lance Spitzner is a geek who constantly plays with computers, especially network security. He loves security because it is a constantly changing environment, your job is to do battle with the bad guys. His passion is researching honeypot technologies and using them to learn more about the enemy. He is founder of the Honeynet Project, moderator of the honeypot maillist, author of Honeypots: Tracking Hackers, co-author of Know Your Enemy and author of several whitepapers.

He has also spoken at various conferences and organizations, including Blackhat, SANS, CanSecWest, the Pentagon, NSA, the FBI Academy, JTF-CNO, the President's Advisory Board, the Army War College, the Department of Justice, and Navy War College. He is a Senior Security Architect for Sun Microsystems Inc.

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Honeypots: Tracking Hackers