Mark Malseed

Updated at: Feb. 13, 2010, 9:01 p.m.

Mark Malseed, formerly the researcher for Bob Woodward on two consecutive New York Times nonfiction bestsellers, is an investigative journalist and information industry consultant. Following the release of The Google Story, his first book, Malseed has consulted to ChaCha, the leading mobile answers service, on their 'Search University' training and education program. He also shares his investigative insights with businesses, organizations and schools in 'Google Sleuthing' seminars.

Malseed is also cofounder of, a mostly-serious news and networking portal for greater government. He has been a guest commentator on the BBC, ABC News, CBS Radio, FOX, Al Jazeera, and elsewhere, and gives frequent lectures on Google and the new information landscape.

As Bob Woodward's exclusive researcher from 2002 to 2004, Malseed collaborated on the #1 bestsellers Plan of Attack and Bush at War and numerous articles for The Washington Post. He previously contributed research and reporting for David Vise's The Bureau and the Mole.

A native of Philadelphia, Malseed graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Lehigh University, majoring in architecture, and also studied at the DiS school in Copenhagen. He has written for the Travel section of the Boston Herald and contributed to several travel guidebooks.

A founding member of Lehigh's Young Alumni Council, Malseed volunteers for the university to promote alumni networking and education. He lives with his wife, Jenny, in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

Related Books

The Google Story: Inside the Hottest Business, Media and Technology Success of Our Time 2nd Ed.