Bruce Williams

Updated at: Jan. 17, 2010, 7:40 p.m.

Bruce Williams strives for perfection and added value as a scientist, educator, consultant, and entrepreneur. Leveraging the Lean principle of standardized work, has has previously coauthored the best-selling Six Sigma For Dummies in 2005 and the Six Sigma Workbook For Dummies in 2006.

Undergraduate degrees in physics and astrophysics from the University of Colorado testify to his early pursuit of understanding the ultimate nature of root cause.

He was a sculler in the value stream of aerospace systems, where he shot the rapids in the tumultuous whitewater of the Hubble Space Telescope program. With graduate degrees in technical management and computer science from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Colorado, Bruce elevated his value-stream role to that of tugboat captain, leading and managing technical teams and projects.

A decade of personal Kaizen has inspired his continuous journey through technology, software, business development, and management. A Kaikaku moment unleashed his entrepreneurial self in 1999. He is now sea captain of Savvi International, charting the deeper value-stream waters of solutions for business performance improvement using Six Sigma, Lean, and Business Process Management.

He lives with his standard family in the rural desert foothills of North Scottsdale, Arizona, flowing just-in-time value in response to their continuous demand pull. He regularly suffers the muri of 5S'ing the house on weekends. His hobbies include mucking the muda of the family horses.

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