Elliotte Rusty Harold

Updated at: May 21, 2007, 1:59 a.m.

Elliotte Rusty Harold is a noted writer and programmer, both on and off the Internet. He started by writing FAQ lists for the Macintosh newsgroups on Usenet, and has since branched out into books, web sites, and newsletters. He's currently fascinated by Java, which is beginning to consume his life. His Cafe Au Lait web site is a frequently visited Java site. Elliotte resides in New York City with his wife Beth and cat Possum. When not writing about Java, he enjoys genealogy, mathematics, and quantum mechanics, and has been known to try to incorporate these subjects into his computer books (when he can slip them past his editors). So far he hasn't been able to, but he suspects that a short, last-minute biography might not be inspected as closely as the rest of a manuscript. His previous book is Java Developer's Resource from Prentice Hall.

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