J. Adrian Zimmer

Updated at: May 21, 2007, 2:20 a.m.

J. Adrian Zimmer was raised in Nebraska but has lived in the eastern, southern, and midwestern U.S., Canada, Denmark, and Iran. Currently he teaches a college curriculum in computer science to gifted teenagers at the Oklahoma School for Science and Mathematics, a boarding school in Oklahoma City where no student pays tuition, room or board.

His undergraduate education involved mathematics, sociology, pre-med, and languages (the kind people speak). He has a Ph.D. in a specialty that intersects mathematics and computer science. He has taught both subjects through the M.S. level, published two books on computer programming, served on the editorial board of the Journal of Software Maintenance, and written shrinked wrapped software. His publications include 50 pages in refereed, international journals.

He practice Yoga daily and manage his own small stock portfolio weekly. Now and then, he plays Go. His favorite fiction authors range among Leo Tolstoy, Iain Banks, and Georgette Heyer. He and his wife enjoy art house films, short hikes, and classical music.

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