Dr. Keegan is Professor of Marketing and International Business and Director of the Center for Global Business Strategy at the Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York, and the founder of Warren Keegan Associates, Inc., a consulting consortium of experts in marketing and strategic management. The firm is affiliated with MarkPlus, Indonesia's leading marketing consulting firm.
He is Visiting University Professor at Cranfield University School of Management (UK), Visiting Professor at ESSEC, Cergy — Pontoise (France), CEIBS (China European International Business School) Shanghai, and Chairman of the MarkPlus Global Institute, Singapore.
Dr. Keegan serves as a consultant with a focus on formulating competitive business and market strategies, conducts programs for corporate executives, and testifies as an expert witness.
He is an expert on marketing, international business, and strategy issues including internet marketing and e-business strategy, internet forums, bulletin boards, and stock boards, advertising and integrated marketing communications strategy, brand, product, price, promotion and place (channel) decisions, trade mark, patent, brand and trade dress issues, business, asset, and marketing program valuation including lost income and profitability and the valuation of communications programs including broadcast, print, sponsorship and point of sale campaigns, competitive practices and anti-trust issues, franchising, market response estimation, advertising effectiveness and deceptive advertising, demand forecasting, new product development, sponsorship, reasonable royalties for ideas and products, reasonable fees for services, and market position assessment.
His industry experience includes Internet services, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, telecommunications and telcoms, electronic equipment, software, packaged foods, industrial and engineered products, transportation, automobiles, auto parts, household cleaners, travel and tourism, entertainment and music, luxury consumer goods, real estate, advertising, and financial services.
Dr. Keegan is a former MIT Fellow in Africa, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Development Planning and Secretary of the Economic Development Commission, Government of Tanzania consultant with Boston Consulting Group.
He is the author of Global Marketing Management, Seventh Edition, (2002); Global Marketing Management: A European Perspective, (with B. B. Schlegelmilch), (2001); Global Marketing, Second Edition, (2000); Marketing Plans That Work: Targeting Growth and Profitability, (1997); Marketing, Second Edition, (1995); Marketing Sans Frontieres, Paris, InterEditions, (with Jean-Marc De Leersnyder), 1994; Advertising Worldwide, Prentice Hall, 1991; and Judgments, Choices, and Decisions: Effective Management Through Self-Knowledge, John Wiley & Sons, 1984. He has published numerous articles in leading journals including Harvard Business Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, and The Columbia Journal of World Business.
He has an MBA and Doctorate from the Harvard Business School and has been a visiting professor at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France; IMD (Lausanne); The Stockholm School of Economics; Emmanuel College, Cambridge University; and the University of Hawaii. He was previously on the faculty of Columbia Business School, Baruch College, The George Washington University, and New York University Graduate School of Business.
He is a Lifetime Fellow of the Academy of International Business, Individual Eminent Person (IEP) Appointed by Asian Global Business Leaders Society (Other awardees include: Noel Tichy, Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Gary Wendt), Member of the International Advisory Board of École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Montreal, Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Cranfield School of Management and Financial Times/Prentice Hall Management Monograph Series and The International Journal of Medical Marketing.
He is a current or former director of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur (Jakarta), Board of Governors, World Trade Council of Westchester, The S.M. Stoller Company, Inc., The Cooper Companies, Inc. (NYSE), Inter-Ad, Inc., American Thermal Corporation, Inc., Halfway Houses of Westchester, Inc., Wainwright House and The Rye Arts Center.
Offensive Marketing: An Action Guide to Gaining Competitive Advantage