After nearly giving up on Zope/Plone, I at last managed to get my book reviews added!

I like all functionality that Plone gives me, and the ease with which I can manage templates and other basic stuff and how easy it is to create new applications. What I don't like is the instability of the parts and the total brain-damage that has gone into the possibilities of having people migrating to Plone! Let's face it, people can decide to go to Plone and have a lot of data that needs to be handled. I had (a customized application written in PHP and MySQL under Drupal). I could extremely easy handle the application itself (six hours and it was ready, with more functionality than I had before). To get the data into this Archetype application has taken me six weeks of concentrated effort (in fact, with the sluggish performance and ReadConflictErrors, I would probably have been able to re-write all data instead of moving it over) to move my first 5K pages over (with lots of relations between).

Anyway, the blog seems to work (thanks CoreBlog2), but the forum takes some getting used to (PloneBoard). Unfortunately, Kupu-linking has broken down (don't ask me why) and FCKeditor lacks in that area (that I know of).

Next up, is all the Business Development stuff and the Monte Christo novel. It will be interesting to see which product is the most appropriate. Also, I'll start adding some photos soon, to get on the nice side of my neglected cousins (you know who you are :-) )

And of course, I have to look into memory consumption and performance as well, but that is another (and later) story.

Currently unrated


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