Posted by:
Roland Buresund
17 years, 4 months ago
What is the good and bad parts of Plone?
Good Parts:
- ZODB - Object Oriented Database
- Python - Can't be easier to program
- TAL/TALES - Excellent Templating
- CSS - Done right
- Flexibility - Unsurpassed
- Archetypes - Easy to make new objects
Bad Parts:
- ZODB - Waking up objects
- Debugging - Painful memory and performance hide-and-seek
- Vocabulary - Everything has a bloody new name!
- Monkey Patching that can't be fully uninstalled breaks the database or random parts
- LinguaFace is a case in point
- Learning Curve - The bad status of the documentation doesn't help
- Importing data is a bigger pain than defining data
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