What is not defined in my presentation of myself is that I am a legal immigrant in Sweden, even though I was born here. According to Swedish law, you are a second generation immigrant if one of your parents was born outside of Sweden (as some of you that has some knowledge of the Nordic languages probably already detected; Buresund is a Norwegian last name [hi Dad!]). To make matters worse, my wife is born in Finland, so that makes my son a second generation immigrant as well ;-) If my son doesn't do something foolish, my grandchildren may be real Swedes.

Of course, this makes it problematic for the extreme right-wingers who must disregard the fact that I'm 188cm tall, blue eyed and a natural blonde as well as being a "bloody immigrant" :-). Currently I'm contemplating asking for immigrant subsidies from the government (just kidding)!


I was recently made aware that we haven't had a Swedish king since a long time, as they have had the bad habit of marrying foreigners.


You got to love certain laws…

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