Authentication Systems for Secure Networks

Rolf Oppliger

Publisher: Artech House, 1996, 186 pages

ISBN: 0-89006-510-1

Keywords: IT Security, Networks

Last modified: May 11, 2021, 1:52 a.m.

As information processing continues to move toward an open systems environment, the advantages of authentication and key distribution systems over traditional passwords are becoming more and more evident. In this timely guide for computer scientists, electric engineers, and networking specialists, author Rolf Oppliger explains and compares the various authentication and key distribution systems available today. including Kerberos, NetSP, SPX, TESS, and SESAME. The book explores the cryptographic techniques used for these systems — and shows how to use them to provide the best security for your network.

  1. Introduction
    1. Terminology
    2. OSI Security Architecture
      1. Security Services
      2. Security Mechanisms
    3. Authentication and Key Distribution
      1. Cryptographic Techniques
      2. Authentication
      3. Key Distribution
    4. Notation
  2. Kerberos
    1. Development
    2. Architectural Overview
    3. Cryptographic Protocols
      1. Needham-Schroeder Protocol
      2. Kerberos V4
      3. Kerberos V5
      4. Interrealm Authentication
    4. Discussion
  3. NetSP
    1. Development
    2. Cryptographic Protocols
      1. Two-Party Authentication
      2. Two-Party Key Distribution
      3. Three-Party Key Distribution
      4. Interdomain Key Distribution
      5. Single Sign-On
    3. Discussion
  4. SPX
    1. Development
    2. Architectural Overview
    3. Cryptographic Protocols
      1. Credentials Initialization
      2. Authentication Exchange
    4. Discussion
  5. TESS
    1. Development
    2. Architectural Overview
      1. Toolboxes
      2. Application Packages
    3. Cryptographic Protocols
      1. SKIA Initialization
      2. User Registration
      3. Authentication
      4. Digital Signatures
    4. Discussion
    1. Project
    2. Architectural Overview
    3. Cryptographic Protocol
    4. Discussion
  7. OSF DCE
    1. Development
    2. Architectural Overview
      1. Directory Service
      2. Distributed Time Service
      3. Security Service
    3. Cryptographic Protocols
      1. Name-Based Authorization
      2. PAC-Based Authorization
    4. Discussion
  8. Comparison
    1. Security Services
    2. Cryptographic Techniques
    3. Standardization
    4. Availability
    5. Exportability
  9. Epilog
  • Appendix A: GSS-API


Authentication Systems for Secure Networks

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Bad ** (2 out of 10)

Last modified: Nov. 18, 2008, 2:42 p.m.

Could have been interesting. Buy Schneier instead. Absolutely not worth the money.


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