C++ Primer

Stanley B. Lippman

Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 1989, 464 pages

ISBN: 0-201-16487-6

Keywords: Programming

Last modified: April 12, 2021, 9:53 a.m.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the C++ langauge, including the latest modifications and the newest features available through Release 2.0 Using a rich variety of examples, the book explains why language features are present and shows how they may be used. Particular attention is directed to areas where beginners have experienced difficulties in understanding ideas.


  • Explains underlying concepts of C++ in a clear and concise manner
  • Contains a comprehensive discussion of multiple inheritance, the most important feature of Release 2,0
  • Discusses the differences between Release 1.2 and Relase 2.0
  • Explores the future directions of the kanguage including parameterized types and exception handling

C++ Primer is intended for anyone interested in programming in the C++ language. It assumes only an understanding of the basic constructs of a programming language.

  1. Getting Started
    1. Problem Solving
    2. The C++ Program
    3. A First Look at Input/Output
    4. A Word about Comments
    5. Preprocessor Directives
  2. The C++ Data Types
    1. Constant Values
    2. Symbolic Variables
    3. Pointer Types
    4. Reference Types
    5. Constant Types
    6. Enumeration Types
    7. Array Types
    8. Class Types
    9. Typedef Names
  3. Expressions and Statements
    1. What Is an Expression?
    2. Arithmetic Operators
    3. Equality, Relational and Logical Operators
    4. Assignment Operators
    5. Increment and Decrement Operators
    6. sizeof Operator
    7. Arithmetic if Operator
    8. Bitwise Operators
    9. Precedence
    10. Type Conversion
    11. Statements
    12. Statement Flow Control
    13. if Statement
    14. switch Statement
    15. while Statement
    16. for Statement
    17. do Statement
    18. break Statement
    19. continue Statement
    20. goto Statement
  4. Functions and Scope
    1. Recursions
    2. Inline Functions
    3. Strong Type Checking
    4. Returning a Value
    5. The Function Argument List
    6. Argument Passing
    7. A Reference Argument
    8. An Array Argument
    9. Program Scope
    10. Local Scope
  5. The Free Store and Name Overloading
    1. Free Store Allocation
    2. A Link List Example
    3. Overloaded Function Names
    4. Pointers to Functions
    5. Type-Safe Linkage
  6. The C++ Class
    1. The Class Definitions
    2. Class Objects
    3. Class Member Functions
    4. The Implicit this Pointer
    5. Friends to a Class
    6. Static Class Members
    7. Class Member Pointer
    8. Class Scope
    9. Unions: A Space-Saving Class
    10. Bit Field: A Space-Saving Member
    11. Class Argument and Ellipses
  7. Class Member Functions
    1. Class Initialization
    2. Memberwise Initialization
    3. Operator Overloading
    4. A BitVector Class Example
    5. User-Defined Conversions
  8. Class Derivation
    1. Object-Oriented Programming
    2. A Sorted Array Class
    3. The Zoo Animal Representation
    4. Derivation Specification
    5. Information Hiding under Derivation
    6. Public and Private Base Classes
    7. Standard Conversions under Derivation
    8. Class Scope under Derivation
    9. Initialization and Assignment under Derivation
    10. Initialization Order under Derivation
  9. Object-Oriented Programming
    1. Overloaded Functions with Class Arguments
    2. Virtual Functions
    3. Virtual Base Classes
  1. The C++ I/O Library
    1. Output
    2. Overloading Operator <<
    3. Input
    4. Overloading Operator >>
    5. File Input and Output
    6. Condition States
    7. Format State
    8. Incore Formatting
    9. Summary
  2. Future Directions for C++
    1. Parameterized Types
    2. Parameterized Classes
    3. Parameterized Functions
  3. Compatibility of C++ with C
    1. The C++ Function Prototype
    2. Where C++ and C Differ
    3. Linkage between C++ and C
    4. Moving from C to C++
  4. Compatibility with Release 1.2
    1. Features Not Supported in Release 1.2
    2. Features Modified in Release 2.0


C++ Primer

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Good ******* (7 out of 10)

Last modified: May 21, 2007, 2:56 a.m.

A good primer on the subject.


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