
How the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of Business

Jeff Howe

Publisher: Random House, 2009, 312 pages

ISBN: 978-1-9052-1115-9

Keywords: Open Source

Last modified: April 6, 2021, 9:38 a.m.

Crowdsourcing noun 1 the act of taking a job traditionally performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call. 2 the buzzword we all need to understand.

  • Introduction
    The Dawn of the Human Network
  • Section I How We Got There
    1. The Rise of the Amateur
      Fueling the Crowdsourcing Engine
    2. From So Simple a Beginning
      Drawing the Blueprint for Crowdsourcing
    3. Faster, Cheaper, Smarter, Easier
      Democratizing the Means of Production
    4. The Rise and Fall of the Firm
      Turning Community into Commerce
  • Section II Where We Are
    1. The Most Universal Quality
      Why Diversity Trumps Ability
    2. What the Crowd Knows
      Collective Intelligence in Action
    3. What the Crowd Creates
      How the 1 Percent Is Changing the Way Work Gets Done
    4. What the Crowd Thinks
      How the 10 Percent Filters the Wheat from the Chaff
    5. What the Crowd Funds
      Reinventing Finance, Ten Bucks at a Time
  • Section III Where We're Going
    1. Tomorrow's Crowd
      The Age of the Digital Native
    2. Conclusion
      The Rules of Crwodsourcing



Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Bad ** (2 out of 10)

Last modified: Oct. 11, 2009, 12:56 p.m.

Well, a book written by a journalist, that tries to find his own buzz-word, and with limited knowledge of business and IT… it just screams potential disaster and it it is!

It is a totally meaningless book, that takes a jab at explaining FOSS, Wikipedia, et al and make it into something that can be used by i.e. Intel to design chips! Not going to happen, and it is extremely naive to believe so.

Recommendation: read something else, that may explain the behavior of people in groups, than this bullshit.


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