Guide to the Management Gurus

Shortcuts to the Ideas of Leading Management Thinkers

Carol Kennedy

Publisher: Century, 1991, 174 pages

ISBN: 0-7126-5645-6

Keywords: Management

Last modified: Dec. 30, 2013, 2:17 p.m.

This book is the first easy-reference guide to the works and theories of leading management thinkers, from Henri Fayol and F. W. Taylor to Tom Peters and Michael Porter. It provides a concise introduction to the writings of 34 influential gurus, with brief biographies and lists of they key books.

Guide to the Management Gurus is not only for ambitious managers and business students but for anyone interested in how the ideas that shaped our business culture evolved, from 'scientific management' and time-and-motion study at the turn of the centurty to current beliefs in empowerment of employees and flexible structures for managing change.

  1. John Adair
    Action-Centred Leadership: how Task, Team and Individual Overlap
  2. H. Igor Ansoff
    The theory and practice of strategic planning
  3. Chris Argyris
    Developing individual potential within the organization
  4. Chester Barnard
    Managing the values of the organization
  5. Warren Bennis
    'Managers do things right. Leaders do the right thing.'
  6. Edward de Bono
    Lateral thinking: 'the generation of new ideas and the escape from old ones.'
  7. Alfred D. Chandler
    Structure follows strategy in organizations
  8. W. Edwards Deming
    The key to quality: reducing variation
  9. Peter Drucker
    Primary tasks for effective managers
  10. Henri Fayol
    Five foundation stones of modern management
  11. Charles Handy
    The future of work and organizations
  12. Frederick Herzberg
    'Motivation' and 'maintenance' factors in job satisfaction
  13. John Humble
    Management By Objectives as a practical methodology
  14. Elliott Jaques
    Psychological and social factors in group behaviour
  15. Joseph M. Juran
    Company-wide quality cannot be delegated
  16. Rosabeth Moss Kanter
    The 'post-entrepreneurial' corporation: empowering individuals as a force for change
  17. Theodore Levitt
    Marketing as a key to successful business management
  18. Rensis Likert
    How leadership styles link with business performance
  19. Douglas McGregor
    Theory X and Theory Y: authritarian vs patricipative management
  20. Abraham Maslow
    The 'hierarchy of needs' in motivation
  21. Elton W. Mayo
    Human relations in industry and respect for individuals
  22. Henry Mintzberg
    How strategy is made and how managers use their time
  23. Kenichi Ohmae
    Lessons from Japanese global business strategy
  24. Richard T. Pascale
    The creative use of conflict in organizations
  25. Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman Jr.
    The 'excellence' cult and prescriptions for managing chaotic change
  26. Michael Porter
    Strategies for competitive advantage, both national and international
  27. Reg Revans
    Managers educating each other through 'Action Learning'
  28. Edgar H. Schein
    The 'psychological contract' between employer and employed
  29. Richard J. Schonberger
    Each function in a business should be a 'customer' of the next in the chain
  30. E. F. Schumacher
    'Small is beautiful': the human scale against corporate 'gigantism'
  31. Alfred P. Sloan
    Developed the key principle of decentralization for big corporations
  32. F. W. Taylor
    The science of work and 'functional management'
  33. Max Weber
    How individuals respond to authority in organizations


Guide to the Management Gurus

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Good ******* (7 out of 10)

Last modified: Feb. 14, 2011, 2:43 p.m.

Carol always has excellent selection and good comments.


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