Make It Your Business

The Definitive Guide to Launching, Managing, and Succeeding in Your Own Business

Stephan Schiffman

Publisher: Simon and Schuster, 1998, 259 pages

ISBN: 0-671-02178-8

Keywords: Entrepreneurship

Last modified: Aug. 4, 2021, 11:18 a.m.

The 75% Right Rule

75% works! Don't shoot for perfection. Shoot for 75% of your business efforts working, and pointed at the right audience, 75% of the time. That's an excellent (and realistic) goal for someone who's launching a new business: If three-quarters of what you're shooting for works out three-quarters of the time — in terms of pricing, quality control, financial planning and management, person-to-person management, marketing, whatever — you'll be doing quite well.

  • Part I: Starting Out
    1. Time for a Change: Working for Yourself
    2. What It Takes
    3. Your Financial Requirements
    4. Ten Myths About Running Your Own Business
    5. What Is Work to You?
    6. The Seventy-five Percent Right Rule, or Failure and Success Revisited
    7. The Pros and Cons of Starting from Scratch
    8. Why You Are Always Your Own Best Salesperson
    9. Handling Family Issues
  • Part II: Branching Out
    1. Your Most Important Asset: What You Focus On
    2. Finding Your Business Niche
    3. Thinking Your Way Through the First Year — and Beyond
    4. Establishing Your Goals: The Art of Thinking Big
    5. Reviewing What's Happening: Building Quiet Time Into Your Day
    6. Your Strategy Map
    7. Getting a Fix on Your Ideal Customer
    8. "Help! I Need Money."
    9. "Help! I Need Good People."
    10. "Help! I Need More Time."
    11. Dealing With Attorneys (Yours or Someone Else's)
    12. Dealing With Business Relationships That Don't Work
  • Part III: Finding Out
    1. Marketing: Why People Buy
    2. Customers: Must Drive the Process
    3. Going Directly to the Customer
    4. The Advertising Agency Trap
    5. The Daily-Call Routine
    6. The Sales Cycle
    7. Prospect Management Is Business Management
    8. One on One
    9. Second Meetings, Second Contacts
    10. The Preliminary Proposal
    11. Winning Commitment
    12. Monitoring the Solutions You Deliver
  • Part IV: Growing Up
    1. Managers: Being One, Hiring One
    2. Why Growth Is Expensive
    3. How to Handle a Market Crisis
    4. Managing Your Business Over the Long Term
    5. When the Business Isn't Performing the Way You Want
    6. When the Business Is Performing the Way You Want
    7. Redefining Your Role
    8. Selling Your Business
    9. Successful Exit Strategies
    10. Epilogue
    1. Appendix A: Your Formal Business Plan
    2. Appendix B: Interview Questions You Can Use to Evaluate Candidates for Employment


Make It Your Business

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Good ******* (7 out of 10)

Last modified: May 21, 2007, 3:09 a.m.

A pretty good book about what to think about when starting your own business, even tough it is supposed to be about sales technique.


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