Managing Change 2nd Ed.

William M. Mayon-White, Christopher Mabey

Publisher: PCP, 1993, 228 pages

ISBN: 1-85396-226-0

Keywords: Change Management

Last modified: March 26, 2013, 9:47 a.m.

Are you a perpetrator, a spectator or a victim of change? The chances are that in a given working week you are all three. Externally, we find ourselves in an unpredictable economy with turbulent markets, self-eclipsing technology and dramatic demographic trends. Inside our organisations the goal posts constantly shift, the cultural and subcultural mix grows ever more divergent and people remain as inflexible as ever! It is timely to draw a breath and reflect on the processes, pathways and precipitous outcomes of change.

  • How do you implement a project that you have not originated with a team you have not chosen?
  • Why do some managers thrive on ambiguity while others are frozen by its complexity?
  • Do internal and external change-agents have a role in the successful facilitation of change?
  • Top-down change is more often endured than enduring. Why is this and what can be done to make change stick?
  • Is change ever rational? What planning assumptions apply to diferent types of change?

These and other change conundrums have been brought together to provide a set of readings for students on the Open University Business School diploma level courses on Managing Change, DMS and MBA students and line managers generally will find here a rich store of practical applications and provocative research.



Managing Change

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Bad ** (2 out of 10)

Last modified: May 21, 2007, 3:12 a.m.

This was mandatory reading when I took my MBA. If you can, skip it.

It exists tidbits in the articles that have some interest, but they are too few and far between, so it is not worth it.


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