Object-Oriented Programming with Borland C++ 4

Clayton Walnum

Publisher: Que, 1994, 560 pages

ISBN: 1-56529-656-7

Keywords: Programming

Last modified: May 8, 2021, 11:44 p.m.

Que applies its unparalleled programming knowledge to Borland C++ 4.0 and OWL 2.0 in this comprehensive guide to creating powerful object-oriented applications. With this book as your companion, you can successfully build on the highly structured code of the ObjectWindows Library to quickly develop your own programs. You gain insight into all the features of OWL 2.0, including the details of working with Windows common dialog boxes and creating multiple document interface (MDI) applications. There is also valuable information on dynamic link libraries (DLLs) and how to encapsulate other portions of the Windows application programming interface (API) to create new classes.

Expert information and advice fill these pages. You learn the very best ways to utilize OWL and develop applications, and get information on areas to avoid and problem workarounds. This book also contains a wealth of coding examples, plus a disk with all of the source code and program examples.

  • Part I: Basic ObjectWindows Programming
    1. Welcome to ObjectWindows
    2. Creating and Handling Windows
    3. Painting a Window
    4. Working with Menus
    5. Adding Dialog Boxes to an Application
    6. Using Windows' Common Dialog Boxes
    7. Printing with ObjectWindows
    8. Creating Decorated Windows
    9. Programming MDI Applications
  • Part II: Advanced ObjectWindows Programming
    1. More about OWL Windows
    2. A Closer Look at OWL's TDC Claas
    3. Mastering Window Controls
    4. Creating Toolboxes
    5. The Clipboard Class
    6. Writing Dynamic Link Libraries
    7. Writing Screen Savers for Windows 3.11
  1. ASCII Chart


Object-Oriented Programming with Borland C++ 4

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Disappointing *** (3 out of 10)

Last modified: May 21, 2007, 3:16 a.m.

This book sold me onthe Borland comiler, the OWL libraries and their IDE. Keep in mind that the alternatives were MFC or Win16/32.


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