Planet Google

How One Company is Transforming Our Lives

Randall E. Stross

Publisher: Atlantic, 2008, 275 pages

ISBN: 978-1-85354-982-6

Keywords: Biography

Last modified: April 11, 2011, 3:01 p.m.

Google is the most significant, most innovative and most ambitious company of the Internet Age. In Planet Google, Randall Stross investigates Google's pursuit of a business plan unlike any other: to become the indispensable gatekeeper of all the world's information. But will Google use its power in its customers' best interest?

With unprecedented access to those who have spearheaded Google's initiatives, Planet Google is a fascinating and provocative examination of the company's audacious vision for the future and the consequences not only for the business world, but for our culture at large.

  1. Open and Closed
  2. Unlimited Capacity
  3. The Algorithm
  4. Moon Shot
  5. GooTube
  6. Small World, After All
  7. A Personal Matter
  8. Algorithm, Meet Humanity


Planet Google

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Bad ** (2 out of 10)

Last modified: April 2, 2011, 8:41 p.m.

When you start reading this, the geek in you kicks in and you think it is interesting that they describe the large network that google operates. After a while, you realise that the description is so primitive that you could have done it yourself. So you resign to understand the persons and the business decisions that underlies the company. Unfortunately, no personal descriptions of the founders are found anywhere in the book (except as rudimentary as Ph.D. students, which I could have found on Wikipedia) and the business decisons are glossed over. So, does it describe why Google is changing out lives? Nope, except to repeat ad infinitum that they have a lot of processing capacity and a lot of data &hellip:

I really can't justify the reading of this book.


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