Relationship and Resource Management in Operations

David Loader

Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002, 165 pages

ISBN: 0-7506-5488-0

Keywords: Finance

Last modified: July 17, 2021, 12:32 p.m.

The operations function in a financial organization is crucial to the success of the business. It drives both profitability and reputation as well as contributing to business development and support. It is also a complex part of a business and one that is treated differently in different organizations. The complexity of operations and the diverseness of the teams and the people they interact with create a need for a high degree of relationship and resource management.

For instance, a bank that is involved in both retail and investment banking will have hundreds of different relationship situations, but so too will a small private client broker. Some situations may be common to all types of organizations; others common to particular types of organizations and a few will be very specific to an organization. These relationships may be very open or highly discreet and confidential.

Whatever the type of relationship, whether problematic or successful, it will have an impact on the business. The role of the operations manager is a key one. Charged with managing resources and the numerous relationship issues, it is neither a simple task nor, because of the variety and frequency of the issues that might arise, one that is easy to find solutions for. This book, however, explores some of the situations that managers might find themselves in and puts forward some solutions.

Relationships and resources are the energy source that makes operations work, and managed well they will provide the means for a business to grow and attain success. The main aim of this book is to provide knowledge and guidance on this important and key area of operations management. Successful operations teams are built on talented resources and effective management — let this book be your guide.

Relationship and resource Management in Operations:

  • explains in practical terms the importance of the business relationships with internal and external counterparts
  • shows how things can go wrong and what causes the situation
  • examines the need to instil cultures in the team focussing on client services, risk and cost effectiveness
  • covers, by practical examples, the kind of scenarios that a manager or supervisor might face in their role. It shows what decisions could and should be made
  • looks at critical relationship management issues; how they are dealt with and the solutions examined.
  1. Understanding the business — the role of Operations
  2. Operations relationships in the organization
  3. Operations relationships outside the organization
  4. The Operations team — managing systems and people
  5. Client services
  6. The relationship with regulation
  7. Compliance and audit
  8. The impact of change


Relationship and Resource Management in Operations

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Mediocre **** (4 out of 10)

Last modified: May 21, 2007, 3:20 a.m.

This is the weakest book in the Loader series. It just tries to explain without any real detail the different parts of investment banking. He succeeds partly.


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