The Intelligence Edge

How to Profit in the Infomation Age

George Friedman, Meredith Friedman, Colin Chapman, John S. Baker, Jr.

Publisher: Crown, 1997, 276 pages

ISBN: 0-609-60075-3

Keywords: Business Analytics

Last modified: Aug. 6, 2021, 12:26 a.m.

Whether you work for yourself or for a major multinational corporation, The Intelligence Edge will help you and your company to survive and prosper in today's knowledge-based business environment. Stay ahead of the information wave with:

  • Techniques perfected by intelligence organizations
  • Advice on how to find the information you need quickly and efficiently
  • Methods on how to sort and analyze the information
  • Guides to the best databases, libraries, and on-line services
  • Preface
  • Introduction: The Knowledge Crisis
  1. From the Agency to the Company: The Business Intelligence Organization
  2. Space, Time, Money: The Holy Trinity of Business Intelligence
  3. Putting It Together: The Practice of Business Intelligence
  4. Find Yourself: Tapping Internal Resources
  5. Mining the Open Source: Passive Intelligence Gathering
  6. Working the System: Semiactive Intelligence Gathering
  7. When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Know: Active Intelligence Gathering
  8. Lucky Guesses: The Art of Analysis
  9. Taking Cover: Counterintelligence
  10. And Now a Word from Our Lawyer: Intelligence and the Law
  • Appendix


The Intelligence Edge

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Very Good ******** (8 out of 10)

Last modified: April 30, 2016, 8:49 p.m.

An excellent book with tips on how to protect yourself, but also on how to exploit others weaknesses.


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