Publisher: BIS, 2014, 240 pages
ISBN: 978-90-6369-353-4
Keywords: Creativity, Product Management
If you want to make change happen by designing innovative services, and you're not quite sure where to start, then start with this book.
It focuses on the tricky early stages of a project, and orients readers towards the conceptual and practical challenges involved in creating new service ecosystems that addresses organizational and social issues.
Service Innovation Handbook shows how understanding user and customer experiences by analyzing ethnographic and big data, combined with exploratory prototyping, helps agile teams designing innovative services to develop the concepts and knowledge they need. The book is brought further to life with examples from start-ups, big corporations, policy contexts and social innovation.
Educator and researcher Lucy Kimbell synthesizes the most important research and practice in design thinking, business anthropology, service management and organizational studies. Grounded in academic inquiry and practical knowledge, her approach is thorough but accessible. With 16 case studies and 14 methods, this book provides multiple entry points for readers who want to think and do things differently. Service Innovation Handbook is a companion and guide for situations with high level of ambiguity and uncertainty, in which the only way forard is to combine creativity with analysis.
Explains the concept of Service Design and describes very practical ways of working with them.
Nothing stands out, but it is not a bad book for someone that has never worked with the concepts before.
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