UNIX™ Survival Guide

Elizabeth A. Nichols, Sidney C. Bailin, Joseph C. Nichols

Publisher: HRW, 1987, 311 pages

ISBN: 0-03-000773-9

Keywords: System Administration

Last modified: June 27, 2021, 12:33 p.m.

Not Available

  1. The UNIX Operating System
    1. Hierarchical File System
    2. Compatible File, Device, and Interprocess I/O
    3. Asynchronous Processes (Multi-tasking)
    4. System Command Language Selectable for Each User
    5. Portability
    6. UNIX Bad Attributes
  2. Getting Started
    1. For System Administrators Only
      1. UNIX Delivered on Tape
      2. Booting UNIX from Disk
      3. File System Health Check
      4. Establishing Terminal Ports
      5. Creating New Accounts
      6. Setting the Date
      7. The rc File
      8. Multi-User Mode and Rebooting or Shutting Down the System
    2. Scenarios for a First UNIX Session
      1. Logging in (login) and Logging off (CTRL-d)
      2. Establishing a Password: passwd
      3. Date and Time
      4. Who am I and Who Else Is On the System
      5. The UNIX Terminal Interface
      6. Automatic Setup of Your UNIX Environment: .profile
      7. Abort the Current Process (or the PANIC Button)
      8. Flow Control for Terminal Displays: CTRL-q
      9. Writing to Other Terminals
      10. Echoing Character Strings: echo
      11. Introduction to Process Forking: ps and &
      12. Hunt the Wumpus
  3. Files and Directories
    1. Real-life Files and UNIX Files
    2. The UNIX File Hierarchy
      1. Directories
      2. Absolute (Fully Qualified) File Names
      3. The Current Working Directory and Relative File Names
    3. File and Directory Naming Conventions
    4. Climbing Trees: pwd and cd
    5. Looking at Directories: ls
    6. Looking at Text Files: cat
      1. Copying Files: cp
      2. Renaming Files: mv
    7. Generating Alias File Names: ln
      1. Deleting Files: rm
    8. Directory Manipulating: rmdir and mkdir
    9. Changing File Access Permissions: chmod
      1. Numeric Mode Specification
      2. Symbolic Mode Specification
    10. Changing File Ownership: chown
    11. File Name Generation: The Special Characters ?, *, [, ], and -
      1. Single Character Wildcard: ?
      2. String Wildcard: *
      3. Sets of Characters: [] and -
      4. File Name Generation and Invisible Files
      5. The Shell Command Line Interpreter: A Peek Under the Hood
  4. The vi and ed Editors
    1. Line and Screen Editors
    2. Setup for vi
      1. Terminal Characteristics: TERMCAP
      2. Execution Characteristics: EXINIT
      3. Checking EXINIT Options
      4. Setting EXINIT Options
    3. vi: Getting In and Out
      1. How vi Manages Text
      2. Invoking vi (Getting In)
      3. vi Command Language: General Topics
      4. Terminating a vi Session
      5. Insert and Replace Commands
    4. Cursor Positioning: Line, Character, Window, Text-Object
    5. Operators: Line and Character
    6. File Manipulation Commands
      1. The Remembered File Name
      2. Saving Text from Memory to Disk: w
      3. Reading Text from Disk to Memory: r, e, and n
    7. Cutting and Pasting: Yank and Put
      1. Scope: Sentences, Paragraphs, and Buffers
      2. Moving Text Blocks
      3. Copying Text Blocks
      4. vi Buffers: Additional Facts
    8. Recovery: Undoing What You Have Done
    9. Recovery from System Crashes
    10. The Line Editors ed and ex
    11. vi Command Summary
  5. I/O, The UNIX File Systems, and I/O Redirection
    1. More on the UNIX File System
      1. Special Files
      2. Special File Directory Entries
      3. Raw and Cocked Modes of I/O
      4. Pipeline Files
      5. Major Device Types and Minor Device Numbers
    2. File Descriptors as Logical Device Addresses
    3. Shell I/O Redirection Commands
    4. Examples
  6. Processes and Signals
    1. Concepts
      1. Processes and Program Text
      2. Concurrency of Processes: Time-Sharing
      3. Signals
      4. Forking: How Processes Are Created
      5. The Hierarchy of Processes. The Scheduler, and Init
      6. Cron and Crontab
      7. Restarting a Hung Terminal
      8. Real and Effective User ids
    2. Commands ps and kill
      1. ps
      2. kill
  7. Pipes and Filters
    1. Concepts
    2. Examples
  8. Utilities and Recipes Grab Bag
    1. File Print Commands
      1. Displaying a File Page by Page: more
      2. Displaying a File with Headers, Columns, Page Numbers: pr
      3. Displaying Pieces of File: tail
    2. File Manipulation Commands
      1. Determining File Type: file
      2. File Comparison: cmp, comm, and diff
      3. Finding/Printing Files, Directories and Subdirectories: find
      4. Sorting Lines in Files: sort
      5. Checking Validity of File Content: sum
    3. Pattern Search Utilities
      1. Regular Expressions (REs)
      2. The grep Family: grep, fgrep, and egrep
      3. awk — Pattern Scanning and Processing Language
    4. The Terminal Capabilities Facility
      1. Setting Up to Use TERMCAP
      2. Terminal Capabilities
      3. TERMCAP Definition Implementation Notes
      4. The TERMCAP Terminal Driver Routines
  9. The UNIX File System
    1. UNIX File Systems: Introduction
      1. Inodes
      2. The Free List
      3. The Superblock
      4. The Boot Block
      5. Directories
      6. Mounting of File Systems
      7. Reconstructing the Free List
      8. Pseudodisks
      9. Creating a File System (mkfs)
      10. Non-Standard File Systems
    2. UNIX File Systems: Details
      1. Detailed Structure of the Superblock
      2. Detailed Structure of an Inode
    3. Backing It All Up… Or Part of It
      1. Dd
      2. Tar
      3. Dump/Restor
      4. Cpio (System III and V)
      5. Volcopy (System 3 and 5)
    4. Useful Utilities
      1. Counting Used and Free Blocks (df, du, quot)
      2. Inspecting and Modifying Files: (od, adb, clri, izap)
    5. How to Fix a File System in Version 7 (or a icheck a day keeps the dup blocks away)
      1. Link Count Consistency
      2. Missing, Duplicate, and Nonsensical Block Numbers
    6. For Detectives Only: A Tour Through Some System Tables
  10. Generating New UNIX System
    1. Configuration and Generating Version 7
      1. The System Parameter File: Param.h
      2. The Kernel Source Modules (excluding Device Drivers): /usr/sys/*
      3. The Device Driver Source Modules: /usr/sys/dev
      4. The Configuration Files: conf, c.c, and l.s
      5. Compiling the UNIX Kernel
    2. Configuring and Generating System 3 and 5
  11. UNIX Overview — Revisited
    1. The Building Block Approach
    2. Uniformity Uber Alles
      1. External Uniformities
      2. Internal Uniformities
      3. Program Uniformity
    3. Bye (or CTRL-d)
  • Appendix A


UNIX™ Survival Guide

Reviewed by Roland Buresund

Very Good ******** (8 out of 10)

Last modified: May 21, 2007, 2:47 a.m.

An extremely good primer on the UNIX environment.


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