Roland Buresund, MBA, MCMI, CISSP, Civ. Ek.
Born 1963
Döbelnsgatan 52
SE-113 52 Stockholm
Mobile: +46 76-105 23 73


CGI 2021 - Current

2021-Current Director, Business Change and Internal Projects, in the GTO division

Working in the Global Technology Operations division in Scandinavia to facilitate and manage strategic initiatives in  the Leadership Team and working on Strategic Processes.

Previously Program Manager Near- and Offshoring, and Senior Project and Program Manager for cross-BU and global assignments.

TietoEVRY 2008 - 2021

2008-2021 Head of Operational Excellence in the Industry Software's Energy Utilities division

Previously Global Head of TSU Program in the Industry Software's Energy Utilities division
Previously Project Director, SWAT, led special interventions for high impact projects.
Previously Project and Program Manager for complex and large Transition and Transformation projects/programs
Previously Delivery Executive for the delivery to a major Insurance Company, Senior Infrastructure Architect and Project Manager for Cross-Border projects in the ITOMS Division, Governance Manager for the Internal Support Systems, Lean Coach, Service Manager, Change Manager and Program Manager for Offshoring, Technical Project Manager for Telecom and Media Services, Lead Project Manager for Financial Services.

Buresund & Partners 2002 - 2008

2002-2008 Independent Consultant (Advisory Services & Project Management)
  Acted as an independent consultant within the areas of BioInformatics, Business Strategy, Information Security and Business Development.

Customers include The Centre for Disease Control (Stockholm, Sweden), Malmoe Hospital (Malmoe, Sweden), Magnetic BioSolutions (Stockholm, Sweden), Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden), Huddinge Hospital (Stockholm, Sweden), Applied BioComputing (Stockholm, Sweden), Steria, Swedish Aviation Authorities, Patrafee etc.

Enskilda Securities AB 2000 - 2002

2000-2002 Global Head of Information Security and Chief Information Security Officer.
  Responsible for information security at 9 places in 8 countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, United Kingdom, USA (New York and San Francisco)).

A1b - Säkerhetsrådgivarna AB 1998 - 2000

1998-2000 Managing Director and board member.
  Was one of the founders and responsible for HR, marketing and strategy.

Also acted as a management consultant to high-level customers.

Customers included Enskilda Securities, Defense Acquisition Group,. National Service Administration, Boliden, Oskarshamn Nuclear Group, Sweden Post, CelsiusTech, Internal Revenue Service, etc.

Sweden Post AB 1996 - 1998

1998 Project Manager

Responsible for the Y2K-project within the PostNet division and was also the divisions board member in the corporation's Y2K board.
1997 Business Controller at Sweden Post Electronic Commerce.

Roland were acting COO and responsible for economic controls and project reviews. Roland were also project manager for the creation of Sweden Post's new division, PostNet.
1996-1997 Business Developer and Project Leader at Sweden Post Business Development Division

Roland worked with the development of Sweden Post's Business Development Process, with a focus on business processes, business plans and feasability studies. One of Roland's many tasks, were to act as security coordinator between Sweden Post and Enator AB, in the jointly owned company for electronic commerce, PEBS AB Roland were also, among other things, project manager for security and operational questions during the production of Torget, Sweden Post's major drive towards the Internet, as well as the Security Manager at PostNet AB.

Enea Data AB 1994 - 1995

1994-1995 Section Manager

Roland built up the security section within Enea Data AB from zero, as section manager. He was also deputy divisional manager for the UNIX-division, as well as a permanent member of the marketing council. The work included business planning, marketing, sales, recruitment and full P&L responsibility. Customer included the Swedish Cabinet Offices, Lund Hospital, Swedish Defense Acquisition Group, Digital Equipment, Bull Sweden, Sun Microsystems, among many others.

Groupe Bull 1989 - 1994

  Roland has had a wide variety of management and IT positions within the Bull Group:
1993-1994 Worked in the marketing department in Bull Scandinavia as a competition analyst and as a sales project manager.
1991-1993 Roland held a number of management positions (cadre) within Bull France, including (but not limited to) the manager of the following departments/groups:
  • Operating Systems Security department
  • X/Open and NVLAP Laboratories
  • Operating Systems Training & Development
  • OSF Product Services
  • Operating Systems Verification
  • Public Software
Roland were also Deputy Technical Manager to X/Open, representative to IEEE, UniForum and EurOpen, etc. as well as working as a Project Manager and Reviewer.
1989-1990 Pre-sale projektmanager with responsibility for major bids in Bull Sweden.

Unix-Specialisten AB / SEMS AB 1985 - 1988

1987-1988 Consultant- and Education-manager at Unix-Specialisten AB During 1987 Roland was also Facility manager for the subsidiary in Ludvika.
1985-1986 Software developer at SEMS AB.

Team Probas AB / Teamco Progress AB / Progress Data AB 1982 - 1984

1982-1984 Roland worked as a programmer, developer och support responsible for the ERP system ProBas during two changes of owners.

Other Experience

2013-2014 Member of and Advisor for Ungt Företagande (Youth Entrepreneurship)
2004-2010 Mentor for a Henley MBA student
2006-2007 Chairman of the Board, OpenERP Ekonomiska Förening
2002-2004 Boardmember of the Hanviken School Parent Association
2002- Member of the Association of MBAs (AMBA)
2000-2003 Chairman of the Board, A1b - Säkerhetsrådgivarna AB
1998-2003 Chairman of the Board, Applied BioComputing Sweden AB, a company that specialised in IT solutions for the biochemical sector.
1998-2002 Member of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce
1996-1999 Chairman of the Swedish NSA's ITSECAccreditition Group
1992-2003 Associate to the Royal Institute of Technology's Department of BioTechnology
1992-1993 Founding Member of X/Open's WG for Test Technology
1992-1993 Founding Member of X/Open's WG for Verification Strategy
1992-1993 Founding member of IEEE 1003.22 (Distributed Security) WG
1991-1993 Member of X/Open's WG for Security
1991-1992 Member of X/Open's WG for Verification
1991-1993 Deputy Technical Manager to X/Open
1991-1993 Member of IEEE 1003.6 (Security) WG
1991-1995 Member of UniForum (US)
1992-1993 Liaison between IEEE 1003.6 (Security) and 1003.14 (System Administration)WGs
1992-1993 Liaison between IEEE 1003.6 (Security) and 1003.4 (Realtime) WGs
1988-1994 Member of EurOpen Association
1986- Member of the Swedish Computer Society
1979-1984 Member of the Stockholm Marketing Association

Roland is also a certified coach in the strategy model LOTS since 1997.

Roland is a native Swede (of Norwegian descent) who knows English fluently and has some knowledge of French and Norwegian.


2013 Certified Project Manager (IPMA Level C), IPMA, (Helsinki, Finland)
2009 Certified ITIL Foundation, DataFöreningen, (Stockholm, Sweden)
2005-2007 Projectentrepreneur with Open Source (90 points), N3P, (Stockholm, Sweden)
2005 Introduction to PPS, TietoEnator, (Stockholm, Sweden)
2002 Swedish Civilekonom by the Association of Economists, (Stockholm, Sweden).
1999-2002 Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Open University Business School (Milton Keynes, UK). Electives were:
2002 Full Member (MCMI) of the Chartered Management Institute, (London, UK).
2002 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), from the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, (Durham, MA, US).
1997-1998 Professional Diploma in Management from Open University Business School (Milton Keynes, UK).
1996 Certified LOTS coach by LOTScenter AB (Uppsala)
1996-1997 Professional Certificate in Management from Open University Business School (Milton Keynes, UK).

Spoken about

2000 My employment were important enough to be mentioned in the Annual Report of Enskilda Securities
1998 I were one of the main figures in the book, by E. Hörnfeldt, M. Hansson and B. Andersson; published by Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm, Sweden.
1998 Appears in the book Internet-Revolutionen – 1000 dagar som förändrade Sverige, by N. Mattson and C. Carrwik; published by Icon Publishing, Stockholm, Sweden.
1996-2003 A number of articles and interviews in Computer Sweden, Svenska Dagbladet and other magazines.


1992 Special Award to Groupe Bull from OSF, "In recognition of your outstanding accomplishments in achieving OSF Certification".
1992 Groupe Bull's Quality Assurance Award for Standard Liaison work in the NIST NVLAP accreditation.
1990 Bull Sweden's Excellency Award for the successful completion of the BaseComputer Procurement.


Roland has a broad technical knowledge and is forceful with the ability to very fast achieve set goals. Roland is also extremely analytical and has the ability to very fast collect large amounts of information, structure the results, come to conclusions and give recommendations. He has the abilty to multi-task - even during stressful conditions.

Roland has the ability to see strategical opportunities while at the same time having control of the details, which is considered his most important ability.

Written by three former colleagues.

A short list of soundbites about Roland, as given by former managers and colleagues:

  • Roland has a certain presence, wherever he is.
  • Roland is an inspiring leader. That makes people loyal to him.
  • A true visionary.
  • An insatible quest for knowledge.
  • Low-key social.
  • A frighteningly effective empath.
  • Aggresive, but gets the job done.
  • Impossible to control, but extremely reliable.
  • Creative and analytical.
  • A very strong focus on the future.


Roland's strengths is leadership with a strong capability to always produce results.


Roland has participated in a number of personality tests during the years, of which the most well-known are summarily presented below:


The mind of an INTP is both a finely-honed analytical tool and a playground of ideas. INTPs interact with the outer world intuitively, observing the big picture and its implications. They use this information logically and abstractly, analyzing new ideas until they understand every aspect. Starting with only a vague intuition, an INTP can construct a whole new world of ideas. As an analytical tool, the INTP excels at solving problems and designing systems. It uses logic like a sword, slashing out irrelevant information and cutting straight to the heart of a problem. INTPs have an innate dislike of redundancy and imprecision. INTP is extremely rare and represents less than 1% of the general population.
KAI 120 (SO: 57, E: 15, R: 48)
Big Five OCEAN 88, 23, 9, 8, 5 O88-C23-E9-A8-N5
Rendahl's VIS profile Ambivalent-Independent
LSI Assimilator (Abstract Conceptualisation: 92%, Reflective Observation: 73%, Concrete Experience: 38%, Active Experimentation: 2%)
Belbin Team Roles Shaper/Implementor (primary, 14), Monitor-Evaluator (secondary, 11)
IFIP Will be presented later
Social Style Driver
Analysis Data Rational: 8 Evaluative: 7 Behavioural: 8 Creativity and Change Conventional: 3 Conceptual: 8 Innovative: 5 Variety Seeking: 8 Adaptable: 7 Structure Forward Thinking: 8 Detail Conscious: 4 Conscientious: 5 Rule Following: 1
Influence Persuasive: 5 Controlling: 7 Outspoken: 5 Independent Minded: 6 Sociability Outgoing: 4 Affiliative: 3 Socially Confident: 2 Empathy Modest: 7 Democratic: 5 Caring: 3
Emotion Relaxed: 5 Worrying: 5 Tough Minded: 9 Optimistic: 2 Trusting: 1 Emotionally Controlled: 8 Dynamism Vigorous: 5 Competitive: 5 Achieving: 9 Decisive: 8

Consistency: 7
Adizes PAEI p(15) a(15) E(26) I(19) — the Pathfinder
The Pathfinder combines his humanistic view with his ingenuity and is not hindered by any formal demands in his quest for finding the golden path to the future. This personal style is very rare as many years of training in schools and during childhood has removed or suppressed the desire for adventure outside the official paths.
McClelland 23rd (Achievement), 2nd (Affiliation), 93rd (Power)
PAPI-I A7, F2, G2, P8, L7, C2, H4, D4, W4, R5, Z8, N2, X3, B1, S0, O4, I8, T9, K6, E4
Wolf Personality σ Sigma
Introverted, Dominant, Influential, Clear-headed, non-Dramatic, Analytical, Political, Cunning, Extremely Independent, Self-Reliant
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||| 53%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||| 30%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||| 33%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||| 73%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||| 40%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||| 70%
My Main Type is 8
My Variant is sexual


Married to Riitta (a UNIX/Linux systemadministrator), with which he has a son, David (born 1995 and currently working as a Operations Manager at ABC Labs).


Roland's primary interests (with the exception of his family) are as follows:

  • Management (especially, strategy, business development and knowledge and change management)
  • History (especially the period between 400 AD and 800 AD)
  • IT (I am active in the Linux community, where I co-authored the "capabilities" security sub-system in the kernel and done some work pro-bono regarding the Maximum Likelihood methods and the manipulations of New Hampshire formats).