Publisher: O'Reilly, 2006, 213 pages
ISBN: 0-596-10032-9
Twisted is an open source network-application framework written in the Python programming language. As elegant as Python, Twisted brings power and flexibility to Python programmers. Because Twisted is asynchronous, your programs won't lock up while waiting for a response from the network. It's also event-driven - just write code for the network events you want to handle and let Twisted do the rest. A dedicated corps of developers work hard to keep Twisted extremely stable and secure.
In Twisted Network Programming Essentials, author and experienced Twisted developer Abe Fettig starts you on a journey to Twisted programming mastery. Begin by downloading and installing the Twisted framework. Next, progress to sending TCP/IP messages between simple clients and servers. And then the fun really begins! Twisted can do far more than send and receive messages using low-level protocols such as TCP/IP. The Twisted networking framework makes working with higher level protocols a breeze.
Well, it is the ONLY book on Twisted, which I love (as I like Event-driven programming), but it still fails to be more than a cursory overview of Twisted, and it even partly fails at that, as every chapter seems to be independent and just describe the protocol at hand, instead of the framework as a whole.
To its defense, it is written in an easy going style. To read it, you need to understand both TCP/IP (and its applications) as well as Python, or you will be totally lost.
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