Viewing posts for the category The Site

Internet Explorer Problems!

It has been brought to my attention that certain versions of MS Internet Explorer can't view my pages. Unfortunately, the version I have access to, manage it, but it has been proven to be a problem. Investigations are on-going on the root-cause and what to do about it.

E-mail Working, Thanks Webfaction

Switched the e-mail for from Wopsa to Webfaction and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised on how easy it was to transfer approx. 4 000 e-mails.

It Is Official: We're Live!

Thanks to the gross incompetence of Wopsa, we were forced to go live a week earlier than planned, but it works at least.

And We're Live!

After nearly giving up on Zope/Plone, I at last managed to get my book reviews added!

Explanation of the Book Review System

This is based on and borrowed from Slashdot Book Review Guidelines, which utilise a similar 10 star rating system. If it works for Slashdot, it probably works for me ;-).